Thigh-Block (patented)

A dream come true

It all started when Jose Luis Castellanos, rider of various disciplines and general manager of Zaldi Sillas de Montar, applied the Newton’s laws of motion to the actual riding. These physical laws, developed around 1687, are perfectly applicable to the concept of the horsemanship.

These laws or principles are widely known: the law of inertia, the law of dynamics, and the third law, the law of action and reaction. Based on these laws we have solved many of the physical problems raised while riding, particularly those relating to the movement, dynamic forces and reaction of the masses of the various bodies (horse and rider). The foundation of these laws is based on the dynamics, which is the part of physics that studies the relation between movements of bodies and the underlying causes, namely the forces acting on them.

These principles or laws, in their time, shook up the basic concepts of physics and the study of motion of bodies in the universe. Now, applied to horse riding it will make an impact. The validity of the statements of Newton has been verified in every case for more than two centuries.


Based on all this study, the company Zaldi, with its own R + D + I department, has developed a new and innovative concept to help the rider restrain to the saddle, applying the knowledge of four generations as saddlers, José Luis´ own experience as a rider, along with thecombination of experience and work developed with trainers and riders.

Generally speaking, this concept is based on that, formerly, you held yourself to the saddle pressing your leg to the knee roll.

Now, applying the laws of Newton, the saddle holds you through the new TM-System or Thigh-Block placed exactly in the middle third of the thigh.

TM-System or Thigh-Block

“It is a radical change in the way of riding. Newton’s laws are based on studies of Galileo. For the innovation of his doctrines, Galileo was sentenced to house arrest and he died unrecognized. The same have we felt many times while developing and introducing this new concept, persuading saddlers, tester riders and designers” comments José Luis Castellanos Torres (Zaldi CEO).

Our dream will change your life


Also this system is revolutionary for being repositionable. The Thigh-Block must hold loosely but not separated from the thigh, which would eliminate their effect. Ideal would be a gentle but constant pressure. It is not a standard product. To make the most of the system it is necessary to adjust it to the features and preferences of each rider, both in height and inclination (forward or reverse) seeking the optimum inclination for the best fit to your thigh. For that, our system has multiple packet positions to get the perfect fit for every rider.

Note that our saddles, as delivered from our factory, present the Thigh-Block in a basic position, so please remember to adjust it to your measurements and preferences in order to get the most from this new system.

This new TM-System can be installed in any of our saddles of any discipline except the jumping saddles that use our new system TM-Jump -also explained in this leaflet.

It is important to note that the holes for positioning the TM-System are located in the exact places and forms to allow the adjustment to your preferences. In any of these positions the TM-System will be effective as per the laws of motion. Any other change either in position or form will affect the optimal functioning of the TM-System.

Freedom of movement as your knee is completely free

Until today, and having always used the traditional Knee-Block system, the knees have been somehow blocked while riding. Thanks to the new TM-System or Thigh-Block our knees are completely free, so your natural aids will be greatly improved. We do believe that this new system will help both riders and horses to achieve a more natural and effective riding, and that testing the new Thigh-Block will mark a milestone to every rider.

We are presenting a new concept, an evolution based on R&D and on the experience of four generations of saddle manufacturers who have always worked hand-in-hand with the best riders.

The latest systems developed in the market have always tried to achieve something similar, but they always focus on the knees. As seen on the image, the new TM-System or Thigh Block makes it easier for every rider to free their knees while having the pressure on the middle third of the thigh. Traditional upper Knee-Blocks are not capable of giving such freedom of movement.

The best balance with an ideal seat

Before, and using a traditional Knee-Block, pressure was limited to the knees, making natural aids more limited. Strength was generated upwards, and the movement – similar to a lever – made our seat unstable (as seen on image A, point 1).

 Also, and while trotting or galloping, and in order to regain a proper position and seat we had to concentrate the strength downwards. Because of that, the horse’s back could be damaged as seen on image A, point 2.

Doble control con la mitad de esfuerzo.

After, and thanks to the new TM-System or Thigh-Block, the knee is completely relaxed and free, making aids easier as its range is highly improved (image B).

The Thigh-Block makes easier for the rider to have a more comfortable and secure position without having to put pressure on the knees, which made the seat more difficult to maintain.

The position improves and the rider will also be able to prevent uncomfortable bounces and while so, damaging the horse’s back (as seen on image B, point 2).

Uniting these two factors our body will be much more relaxed while riding. It will allow any rider to evolve and improve his riding while getting a better control over his horse and position.

How to disassemble and reassemble the thigh-block or TM on a Zaldi saddle.

How to adapt the TM-System to the best match for you.

Remember that you should feel the thigh-block on the thigh without noticing specific pressure points.

This way you will get maximum control with half the effort, in addition to having your knee free and a perfect position or seat.